Presented by Mantua Creek Church
September 26- October 29, 2024
What is the after party?
The After Party is a six-session course about politics, partisanship, division in our day, and how these affect us. The course begins with a simple question: Is there a better way?! David French, Russell Moore, & Curtis Chang take you on a journey that includes how we got into this mess, what the Bible really says about how we are to engage in politics, how to understand what our default reactions say about the condition of our hearts, and what it looks like to move towards something better.
The term “After Party” is a reference to the wedding feast of the Lamb, which marks the return of King Jesus when all things will be made right. Indeed, our deepest fears and hopes will never be answered by the victory of any political party or politician– only Jesus. This truth should radically relativize and humble all of our “flesh and blood” political allegiances.
You can join us in the following ways:
- IN PERSON: Planning to try and be there every week.
- ONLINE: Following along w/ the online version.
- HYBRID: Planning to come some weeks but staying connected with the online version for weeks you can’t make it.